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All passports must be valid for period of intended stay. Visitors must hold all documents required for further travel, onward or return tickets, sufficient funds for period of stay, and proof of reserved accommodation.

Americans: United States nationals require a valid passport, but no visa for stays of up to 90 days.

UK nationals: UK nationals require a valid passport but no visa for stays of up to 90 days.

Canadians: Canadian nationals require a valid passport, but no visa for stays of up to 90 days.

Australians: Australian nationals require
a valid passport, but no visa for stays of up to 90 days.

South Africans: South Africans require a valid passport and a visa to enter Romania.

Irish nationals: Irish nationals require a valid passport, but no visa is needed.

New Zealanders: New Zealand nationals require a valid passport, but no visa for stays of up to 90