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For a small country Lithuania still has quite a list of famous people which goes from Great Vytautas, the King to current times -  Valdas Adamkus, President of Lithuania or Arvydas Sabonis, basketballer.To mention just few: Mikalojus Konstantinas Chiurlionis - a painter and composer was born in 1875, in Dzookija. He studied in Warsaw, in Leipzig. He learned playing piano, painting. He often visited foreign countries, meets a lot of famous people.Chiurlionis left many musical creations. He wrote chorale songs, sonatas, symphonies, creations for the piano and the organ. Chiurlionis was the man, who started writing Lithuanian symphonic music. His symphonic poems "Sea" and "Forest" are well known and liked all over the world, Chiurlionis created more than 300 pictures. The most of them are widely known. He created cycles of paintings "Funeral symphony" "Zodiac" " Fairy-tale". The most beautiful painting by Chiurlionis is "Kings." Another two man famous not only in Lithuania, I think are Steponas Darius and Stasys Girenas. Both they were born in Lithuania, but migrated to The USA. They are famous, that they flied non-stop from America to Europe in June of 1933. Darius and Girenas bought aeroplane in USA. It was the most popular type of aeroplanes. Some changes were made in plane and the rebuild aeroplane was called Lituanica. Joseph Weber, Physicist: 'father" of gravity wave detection experiments at The University of Maryla Jonas Pleksys, USSR submarine captain whose ordeal was made famous in "Hunt for Red October" Mykolas Norkunas, Founder of the Knights of Lithuania Monica Lewinsky David Frank-Kameniecki Victor Brenner (Baranauskas), Designed Lincoln penny Sara Lee, Father founded current corporate giant Alexander Bruce Bialskis, 1st FBI director (1912-1919) Birute Galdikas: Orangutan specialist/write Sister Mary Veronica Klimkevicius, First woman Army nurse Civil War (1861)

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Gerry,I am convinced that it is 古 not 右 . There are many doucnemts to say 鬱陵島是古于山國, but there are not the doucnemts written 鬱陵島右有于山島 . 三國史記 于山國 在溟州東海島 或名鬱陵島 世宗実録地理志 新羅時, 稱于山國, 一云鬱陵島 皇城新聞 大韓地誌에曰鬱陵島는古于山國 記言卷之二十八 下篇 山川 東界 于山鬱陵一島 望三峯岋嶫 海晴則山木可見 山下白沙甚遠 古于山國 五洲衍文長箋散稿 八路利病辨證説 鬱陵島 直三陟府 方百許里 古于山國也 五洲衍文長箋散稿 鬱陵島事實辨證説 東方多彈丸黑痣之小島 比如潑墨者之大小亂點 其中有鬱陵島 古于山國 文獻攷略 (新羅屬國) 于山國 于山國 [주: 今 蔚珍東海島 ] 亦名 羽陵 [주: 今稱 鬱陵島 ] 新羅 東寰録 于山 于山者 今鬱陵島也 三國史云 新羅智證麻立干十一年 于山國 歸服 歲以土宜爲貢 于山國 在溟州[주:今江陵]正東海島 或名鬱陵島 紀年東史約卷之二 新羅高句麗百濟紀 于山國在阿瑟羅州東海中, 或名鬱陵島, 地方百里,It is another topic with this, 金正浩s 靑邱圖 map say 英宗十一年江原監司趙冣等啓言鬱陵地廣土沃有人居舊址而其西又有于山島亦廣闊 So-called west character is different from the fact in the East in an island in this map .
Reviewed by: Jignesh, Zaire
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