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Pannekoek (pancake)
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Dutch pancakes (pannekoeken) are usually larger than American or Scottish pancakes and thicker than the French crêpes. They may incorporate slices of smoked bacon, apples or other fruits, cheese or raisins.

The ingredients are flour, milk and eggs. Pancakes are often topped with Dutch stroop, a dark thick syrup. A pannekoek natural is a plain pancake which one can top with as much powdered sugar or stroop as desired.

reviews by travellers
I’m a miladiadtary wife of four years, my husadband was maradried to his first wife for 13 years and she will get half of his retireadment and she was getadting 1200.00 a month for their two kids. But since we got maradried he has when back o court and got joint cusadtody of the kids. So that stpeopd the child supadport. I have since stop workading so that I can pick his two kids up and my baby girl up from school…oh did I meanadtion that I have 3 school to go before and after. They all could be going to the same school but his ex-wife dont want them to move and I can’t just move my kid to their school because of the school disadtrict. I have found out that he is still comadmuadniadcatading with his ex.…not just about the kids.…(hint). My queadsion is I’m thinkading about getadting a divorce but can I ask for alimony since I quit my job to help him with his 2a0kids
Reviewed by: Zealous, Czech Republic
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